Lets do a quick recap on our lives over the last few months! Enjoy ;]
Valentine's Day...
Luis & Becky celebrated their first Valentine's Day together. Precious <3
HER Night & young(HER) Night...
We had an awesome launching of our remodeled Women's Ministry at Church of the Redeemer called HER (click for more information). It was a super cool night with an awesome word, beautiful worship, and lovely friends.
Birthday Celebrations...
Becky and Aubrey had birthdays!!! So of course we celebrated in style :]
Draw Something...
We were obsessed for a few weeks but our excitement has worn off. Here are 2 memorable drawings. Can you guess who they are? ;]
Babysitting Adventures...
We had so much fun with the Rivera boys. Naiya and Eliana are always so precious. And of course we love spending QT with our little brother. Here are some examples of all the fun we had.
What a beautiful celebration of Jesus. We are so blessed to be a part of such an amazing church. Here are some pictures of R-Kids worship team and our family dinner on Easter night.
For the last few years, our church has hosted UPN (United Pastor's Network) where pastors and church leaders around the world can come together and grow. It was such a blessing to be a part of it, make new friendships, and worship Jesus together. If you would like more information or to sign up for next year then click here.
Fun with Friends...
Random captures of the adventures we have had.
The books that are blessing us right now: "Worship Matters" by: Bob Kauflin; "Teaching Kids Authentic Worship" by: Kathleen Chapman
The songs that are on repeat: "Wake Up" All Sons and Daughters; "I'm a Lover of Your Presence" & "Holy Spirit" Bryan & Katie Torwalt; "I Am Loved By God" IHOP; "Into the Glorious" Christy Nockels
Well hopefully we will see you sooner than later! :]
love, B&B
:) I love how i can almost "hear" the usual joy in u two talk with, in these written words of our blessings and experiences. love u two & thanks for sharing!! <3