
MAKE IT MONDAY (soooooooooup)

Cauliflower is not a favorite vegetable in our family & it is often forgotten in the fridge. We think it has something to do with it's bland taste and color. Our dad describes it as the "plain Jane" vegetable. But who knew this lone ranger vegetable could become something so tasty when made right. We stumbled across this recipe on pinterest (yay for pinterest) and made a few of our own tweaks. This soup is super easy, involves only a few ingredients, and brings out a cauliflower's best features.

Try it...

All you need is:
1. one head of fresh cauliflower (broken into little pieces)
2. about 3 tbs of olive oil
3. one sliced medium onion
4. 41/2 cups of water [not all at once]
5. 1/4 c grated parmesan cheese [you can use the can kind]
6. salt & pepper
7. parsley, dried (or fresh) chopped chives, & drizzle of olive oil (for decoration)

1. Heat up the olive oil in a pot.
2. Toss in the onion slices but do not let them brown. (15 minutes)
3. Add in the cauliflower, salt, and 1/2 a cup of water. Raise the heat and then cover the pot. (20 minutes)
4. Add the rest of the water (4 cups) and let it simmer (on low) uncovered. (20 minutes)
5. Stir in the parmesan cheese and some salt & pepper.
6. Get out your blender & blend the almost soup in batches until it is creamy.
7. Leave it sitting back in the pot for about 20 minutes so that it can thicken a little bit.
8. Pour it in cute serving cups! Add some parsley, chives, & olive oil drizzle on top!
9. ENJOY! :]

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did :]



a year of favorites...

We're a little late into this new year :) but 2011 was such a great year full of new findings! We thought we'd share some of our favorite things of 2011 as we jump into 2012.
Favorite ......

  • Podcast: Craig Groeschel "BOLD"

    This 4 part series taught us to embrace the boldness that we all have been given in Christ. "Behavior born out of belief." Go take a listen :]

  • Read: Blessed Child  by Ted Dekker & Bill Bright

  • This is a Christian fiction book that was recommended by our our dear friend Kim. It will stretch and enlarge your faith and really take God out of the box we often put Him in. It is exciting, suspenseful, and you won't want to put it down! This book helped bring color to our prayer life. READ IT!!! (p.s. We haven't read the sequel yet but it is on our list!)

  • Accessory: Pearl earings, Moccasins
  • Photobucket

  • Pandora Station: All Sons & Daughters and JJ Heller :] [yay for Pandora!!!]

  • App: Pinterest & Instagram (if you have an iPhone then you NEED these apps)

  • Album: Kindlewood: Desiderium, Hillsong Chapel: Yahweh

  • Both of these albums were on repeat on our playlists! Hillsong Chapel's Yahweh CD is beautiful stripped down versions of some of their well known songs. The acoustic versions of these songs are so worshipful and perfect for those quiet times with Jesus. Kindlewood's Desiderium is a must have for every music lover!!!  Their music is really passionate and unique and amazing! Perfect for rain and shine! Check them out!!! (linked above)

  • Concert/Worship Night: Shane&Shane with Phil Wickham, & Redeemer Worship "You Are My God" A Night of Worship

  • Online Shopping: Urban Outfitters SALES

    soooooooo many fun finds this year!

  • Restaurant: Pho & Grill & Firstwatch
  • Photobucket

  • Verse: Joshua 23:14 & 2 Timothy 4:17
    "You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed." -Joshua 23:14
    "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength..."-2 Timothy 4:17

  • Place to visit: Elicott City & Assateague Beach
  • Photobucket

  • Drink from Starbucks: Sugar free Soy Cinnamon Dulce Latte; Grande 5 Pump Soy Chai

  • Item bought/received: Fossil watch, Gorgeous perfume from Victoria Secret, Heated Blanket, & Boots from Payless
  • PhotobucketPhotobucket

  • Worship song that puts us on our face: God Be Praised (Gateway Worship), Love Came Down acoustic (Bethel Live), The More I Seek You (Gateway Worship),  Give Me Faith (Elevation Worship) [watch this video below..... passionate worship!!!!]

  • <3 B&B